Peaks using the significantly greater intensity and reasonably broad lamellar order Bragg peaks of the

Peaks using the significantly greater intensity and reasonably broad lamellar order Bragg peaks of the TMs. three.7. FreezeFracture electron Microscopy (FFEM) three.7. FreezeFracture Electron Microscopy (FFEM) To characterize the ultrastructure on the granum and stroma TM particles weTo characterize the ultrastructure from the granum and stroma TM particles we utilized FFEM, has also FFEM, which can be appropriate to determine proteinrich membrane regions [62]. It which is suitable to identify proteinrich membrane regions [62]. It has also been used to utilized to detect the presence of HII phase just after cosolute Methylene blue Description treatment [17,63], long stora detect the presence of HII phase soon after cosolute treatment [17,63], long storagegrown spinach [59]. Fig membranes at 5 [16], and in TMs isolated from lowlight of membranes at 5 C [16], and in TMs isolated from of isolatedgrown spinach [59]. Figure 5 shows FFEMa and b, shows FFEM images lowlight granum and stroma TM particles (Panels pictures of isolated granum and stroma TM particles (Panels a and b, and c and d, respectively). and d, respectively).Figure 5. Freezefracture electron microscopy granum (a,b) and (a,b) and stroma photos of diverse Figure 5. Freezefracture electron microscopy images of pictures of granum stroma (c,d) TMs;(c,d) TMs; images regions of different regions insets in (a,d), protein rich regions; P, W, protein in (b) stand P, regions dominated by with diverse magnifications;with various magnifications; insets in (a,d),and NL rich regions; forW, and NL in (b) stand nonbilayer lipid phase. proteins, water and for regions dominated by proteins, water and nonbilayer lipid phase.Stacks of closely packed membranes, Tankyrase- tankyrasePosted inUncategorized